Friday, September 19, 2008

Before the commencement of this exhibition, I`ve already thought that the opening of the exhibition would not determine the end of this matter but in fact it would be the very beginning of the prologue. as expected, these few days from the 9th the vernisage/ the opening night till today, many incidents quietly and silently occurred. even though this is not an accident, I could not be free from feeling sorry and regret because we wish to explore the world nd its relationship. but it seems that someone is not clear about this point believing that we are attacking them completely unaware the root of the problem, thinking that it`s about their honour and reputation. if this is merely about honour and we then utilised so much energy and money to mount an exhibition, is a waste of time and life. let me reiterate again, this exhibition is to discuss not only the question of honour but to examine relationship, the relationship between production and art, the relationship between capitalism and labour force, the relationship between creativity and commercialsm, the relationship between "to live" and "let`s live" those who clasps tightly on to the narrow-mindedness of nationalsm and racism-please go away. we need people who are IQ normal and who can discuss and exchange normally so we can build muyual understanding and respect.